Weekly Checkouts
Kindergarten- 1 book
1st Grade- 2 items
2nd Grade- 3 items
3rd Grade- 3 items
4th Grade- 3 items
5th Grade- 3 items
- Books are checked out for 1 week.
- Students are allowed to renew books.
- There are no late fees charged in Elementary School.
- If a book is lost, please contact the Library Media Specialist about the replacement fee.
- If a returned book is damaged beyond repair, the Library Media Specialist will send a note home listing the replacement fee.
Playaways (Pre-Loaded, Digital Audio Books)
Playaways are available to 4th & 5th Grade students (and second semester 3rd graders) who have returned a student contract form that includes a parent signature (due to their high replacement cost). Students must use their own headphones or earbuds or they may purchase a pair of earbuds from the Library for $1.